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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

The Curse of Frankie W.

Since I was an architecture undergrad student, and even as a (semi) professional, there are two things people ask that bug the crap out of me. 1) Have you read The Fountainhead? 2) Boy! You must sure like Frank Lloyd Wright, huh?

No, I have not read The Fountainhead, and people expecting me to since I am in the architecture profession makes me not want to read it at all. Out of stubbornness, I will probably never read the damn book. I have however read this text for my professional practice seminar, which is just as good if you ask me.

And no, I sure don't like Frank Lloyd Wright. His buildings leak. I have been in many of them, some are amazing, but overall, he's not my favorite. Frankie, I'm just not that into you. However, some of his graphic designs are quite beautiful and I would love to become the expert knitter who can someday create something like this, or this.

I would be the hit at all the architecture functions. At least the ones in chilly weather. Otherwise I would just look like a suck-up.

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